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Evercade plans for 2024 include new hardware

Evercade is off to its traditional slow start to the year, with a couple of carts to keep us retro fans happy and tempt the owners of the core Evercade hardware or the Super Pocket models. But the new roadmap reveals plenty of fun to come. 

Update: the first pieces of 2024 news are out with the new Giga Carts for larger games (led by a Tomb Raider I-III collection), and updated charcoal, lower-cost EXP-R and VS-R models coming in July. 

First up for 2024 was the Indie Heroes 3 collection, which I love, featuring the awesome Donut Dodo, with C64 Collection 3 bringing more 8-bit joy to the world. And there's Sunsoft and more Piko fun coming in April as Evercade shifts into gear. 

evercade indie heroes

Evercade is ready to ramp up the pace across the rest of the year, teasing us with a largely blank roadmap, bar the spine-tingling phrase "new hardware" in four spots for July and November. Plus another 8 new carts on the way, perhaps with some surprise releases to sneak out too!

Are these new Super Pocket models? Currently offering Taito and Capcom digital-only collections, Super Pockets represent a great way to get in with publishers who aren't up for physical releases. 

Or is there an update to the Evercade VS big-screen machine, as we saw with the original Evercade to the new EXP? Perhaps there's an all-new model on the horizon to cope with the more powerful systems, as Evercade releases are already pushing the 64-bit era with Glover from the N64.  

On the games side, one should be the much-awaited Amiga pack and I'd hope for something similar and original to the Full Void special edition

Whatever is in the pipe, Evercade is the system that keeps on giving, with plenty of fun for gamers young and old. And 2024 looks like being another party year in this little corner of the retro industry.

Currently playing on my Vita/PS3/PS4/PS5