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Xperia Play Launch Round-Up

Hi, this page has yesterday's (Thursday) events for the Xperia Play launch on it, to catch up with today's events click here.


Some lucky folk in London are getting their mitts on Xperia Play at Sony Ericsson's launch event. Hopefully we'll have some pics from the event soon. If you've stumbled across what is basically the world's best phone for playing games on, then this is all you need to know:

The latest news will appear below and be updated through today and tomorrow, will there be any surprise game releases, any new services, we'll find out in the next 48 hours:

  • (7:30) Some pics from the Xperia Play Launch Party
  • http://yfrog.com/h428obxj
  • http://twitpic.com/4fdszq
  • http://plixi.com/p/88372925
  • (6:00) Age of Zombies coming to Xperia Play (Live Play With Developers).
  • (3:30) New trailer for Backstab, another Gameloft title, coming soon.
  • (3:00) BOO! Now 3 has joined the list of companies delaying its launch, until next week.
  • (2:15) A list of optimized Android games that take advantage of Xperia Play's controls.
  • (12:50) GOOD NEWS! Orange are now getting shipments, so will launch as expected. Just o2 (bugs) and Vodafone (their shipment missed the boat - doesn't anyone fly freight these days? [and, yes, I know how expensive it is])
  • Just a thought, I hope everyone who pre-ordered and now doesn't get their Xperia Play tomorrow, gets compensation in the form of free game downloads.
  • (12:30) Sony Ericsson statement on the launch:
  • “We can confirm that the Xperia Play handsets are still planned to launch in the UK for April 1st, as originally communicated. However, as of today, we have experienced a freight issue that may impact the number of Xperia Plays arriving at some retail outlets. This said, consumers can purchase Xperia Play as of April 1st at a number of stores across the UK.”

  • Now (11:30) add Orange to the list of shops with Xperia Plays, this isn't getting any better.
  • Vodafone delaying release due to shipment issues. The company joins o2 who are delaying due to software issues.
  • There's already an awesome N64 emulator that could help make Xperia Play a great retro machine.
  • Google has pulled the PSOne emulator for the Android store in anticipation of the Xperia Play launch.
  • NOVA 2 is a timed exclusive release for the Xperia Play.

Currently playing on my Vita/PS3/PS4/PS5