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Super Destronaut DX Land Wars gunning the Vita this week

Super Destronaut DX Land Wars is another release delivering a healthy blast of arcade fun to the Vita this week. Based on the original shooter from Petite Games, it addresses the glaring hole in that game's mechanics.

In my review of the original, I mentioned, "As they [aliens] fall, you can shoot grey wrecks for more points, and need to dodge any wreckage that lands as it drifts down the landscape at you. It's a big shame that's all the landscape is used for, some ground based targets or a sub-game would be great fun!"

NOTE: If you fancy a play, the original doesn't appear on the UK Vita PSN store, but is visible on the web store. Other regions may vary.


Super Destronaut DX Land Wars answers that need with knobs on going full FPS with you racing around a Tron-grid style landscape with some sexy LED poly models on the hunt for the (still flat) little alien creatures. Very little info other than a few screens doing the rounds and a trophy listing, with Ratalaika on publishing duty.

Currently playing on my Vita/PS4/PS5