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Hey ho, let's go... all the news from Sony Japan's Vita event

Sony is announcing a bunch of new Vita stuff in Japan right about now, check back here for all the new titles, content and other treats it has in store...

Okay, first up is a new 5 minute video up, hosted by DJ Taro... introducing each product. then there's a bunch of more detailed videos for each game, chatting to the producers/designers with a few clips of each game. Adding the videos as quickly as possible.

Up first Sega's Phantasy Star Portable 2, which will be compatible with the hugely popular PC version in Japan, allowing gamers to play at home on a big screen and then carry on, on the move. Sounds like a big winner.

Next, some Persona 4: The Golden

A quick peek at Legend of Heroes

Now Metal Gear HD, this is fast and furious - coming June 28.

Who doesn't like a little Gundam Seed Battle Destiny in their lives?

There was also a special message from Keiji Inafune, announcing that he is working on a Vita project, coming soon. Then something called Project Discovery, based on user generated content

Okay, that was more of a rush through than I was expecting... there was also a clip of what I think was Battle Brawlers and something on the UMD prograam. So, overall amount of knowledge gained minimal. Phantasy Star did pretty well on PSP, but its no Monster Hunter, roll on Captivate next month.

Currently playing on my Vita/PS3/PS4/PS5