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PSP2, Switch 2 and Xbox... a brighter portable future? (Updated)

A decade in development, the gorgeous Heart Forth Alicia coming soon

I've been in love with the look of Heart Forth Alicia since the early days, when it got funded back in 2014. Even the long-dead promise of a Vita release in 2018 won't put me off. Now coming up to its 10th anniversary, Alonso Martin and team have put up a new WIP video with news on the latest progress. 

Console versions are still on the way, but for now you can wishlist HFA on Steam, and keep patiently waiting as the game nears completion. 

Development Updates

"As we continue crafting Heart Forth, Alicia's world as intricately as we can, we’ve prioritized our work on the central content of the game. We’ve continued diligently pouring our efforts into the remaining sections, whether it’s pixeling away the remaining backgrounds, characters and animations, creating the last batches of enemies, building important cutscenes, composing some additional musical tracks, and chipping away at the remaining sound design. Work has also extended to the last area, which consists of a gauntlet of sorts, before the player reaches the final boss. As you know, managing all the moving parts of the project is a tough balancing act, but we are steadily getting closer and closer to our end goal."

"We recently finished a subsection of the world, Elenia, that required creating several tilesets, unique backgrounds, elaborate animations and cutscenes. Its purpose is to interconnect other big sections of the game, such as the Ilmaril Forest, the Sleepy Weald, Braidwood and Dwúffon, so it’s been very rewarding to see it all come together."

"As we alternate between developing the final sections and the optional/endgame content, we're mindful of our goal to deliver a game that's polished, engaging, and worth the wait. While we're not ready to share a release window with you on this update, we’re getting very close to doing that in the coming ones. Every moment we spend on this project brings us one step closer to delivering a polished and worthy game to you, and we're as ever grateful for your trust and patience."

Currently playing on my Vita/PS4/PS5