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PSP2, Switch 2 and an Xbox handheld... a brighter portable future?

13 Sentinels will watch over the Switch

What could have been one of the Vita's last big releases a couple of years ago got ditched as Atlus and Vanillaware focused on the PS4 version and a welcome global realease. However, presumably around 500,000 sales wasn't enough, so now it heads to the Switch bringing its unique anime robot adventure charm. 

While not quite up to Persona 4 levels, the story seen through the eyes of the 13 young pilots and their impressive sentinels is still engrossing. And the art style doesn't depend on billions of polys and shaders, so it should look pretty good on the Switch when it arrives in April 2022. 

As welcome as that is, I'm guessing the Switch tax might be a bit much to swallow as the PS4 version does get a decent discount on seasonal PSN sales, if you play for both sides. 

Currently playing on my Vita/PS4/PS5