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psp2roundup - January In Numbers

The first full month of activity on psp2roundup has seen 2,099 page views, over 100 tweets, 63 Twitter followers, 47 blog posts and two people who clicked on adverts - thanks to them (they fed my cat this month!) is it really so hard to click an ad? Guess I don't bother as much as I should.

Unsurprisingly, the most popular post was this one. Readers stayed on site for an average of 43 seconds which I guess is enough to read most articles I post.

You can see some Twitter stats here - topics, links and so on. I suspect there will be a bit of a lull between now and MWC when the PSP Phone (Xperia Play) gets unveiled, but I'll keep my ear to the ground on news from PSP2 developers and what they're up to.

Oh, and zero comments. Doesn't anyone just want to talk any more?

Currently playing on my Vita/PS4/PS5