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More PSP games hit PlayStation Plus

Sony's Pursuit Force, developed by BigbigGames and released in 2005, was an invigorating action title among a great roster of PSP auto games. It gets a much-deserved new lease of life as an addition to the PlayStation Plus Premium tier this month. Apparently the sequel Extreme Justice is the better game, so I hope to see that soon. 

It is joined by Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow, successor to SF: Dark Mirror, and Hit Maker's Blade Dancer, a crafting-heavy turn-based RPG, all arriving on May 16th. Not a bad set of additions, and showing the breadth of the PSP's roster, but the PlayStation retro team need to be hitting this level every month. And adding in the upscaling, filtering and other gizmos to make these classics look great. 

And here's a look at the PS4 version in action with the slightly cleaner vehicle edges, smoother detail around the landscape, and just as tough a challenge to complete the missions. Some of the backgrounds look very ropey on a larger screen, but your focus will be on driving, jumping and shooting, so not a problem. 

Pursuit Force PS4 PS+

All the games have trophies, adding value to a replay and the usual PS+ tweaks to make these games a little better looking. 

Next on my list, off the top of my head and ignoring pesky licensing issues, would be:

  • WipEout Pure/Pulse
  • Burnout Legends
  • OutRun 2006: Coast to Coast
  • Castlevania: Dracula X
  • Dissidia 012: Final Fantasy
But with so many great games, there's plenty more I'd like to see. 

Currently playing on my Vita/PS3/PS4/PS5