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More PSP/PS1 Classics join the PS+ party

Vita and PSP owners should be intimately familiar with the new bunch of classics making their way to the PS+ roster in March. They include the near-perfect Ridge Racer Type 4 (PS1) which is back on a big screen some 12 years after it arrived on the PSP/Vita PSN store. 

Ridge Racer Type 4

Looking forward to this, if only Sony would sneak out a JogCon dial controller to play it properly. I hope they managed to upscale the classic intro video with Reiko at least? Or, perhaps, kick the frame rate up a bit.

Ridge Racer Type 4

Update: Having played around with R4, New video modes include retro-modern and modern, with a range of display modes from 1:1 pixel to widescreen stretch. 

Also making a comeback are the PSP iterations of Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror, a game that should really well with a DualSense, and the joyous Ape Escape 2. No word yet if these have extra visual tweaks or trophy support but guess we'll find out soon enough. 

Just noticed in the blog post that Syphon Filter has "enhanced with up-rendering, rewind, quick save, and custom video filters" in mix to improve the experience. The Game Catalog line-up update will be available on Tuesday March 21 for PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium members. 

Will update if there's any news on new features or trophies!

Currently playing on my Vita/PS3/PS4/PS5