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Resistance Retribution, another PSP hit reborn on the new PS+

With so many articles flying around quoting dubious sources, it is hard to get a real grasp of what will happen when the new PlayStation Plus service launches in the west in June. But based on the clues coming out of Asia, classic first-person shooter Resistance Retribution is joining Ridge Racer 2 and Super Stardust as a revival retro PSP game on the new PS Now/PS+ hybrid service. 

You can still get the game (on the UK Vita PSN for £6.49) but the online modes were turned off back in 2015. Set in 1951, the Bend Studios' title follows a British marine fighting the Chimera across Europe - I wish I'd started this blog earlier in the PSP days, as I could have written something about it. 

Apparently the new versions of these retro games will come with trophy support (as an optional feature), as long as you go for the top tier of the new PS+ service. Still waiting for official word if the games are upgraded or scaled to HD resolution, and what other treats are in store. 

 Among the list of other PSP games that it would be great to see make it are:

  • Syphon Filter
  • SOCOM: Fireteam
  • The Warriors
  • Monster Hunter Portable
  • Tomb Raider: Anniversary
  • WipEout Pulse/Pure
  • Metal Gear Portable Ops
  • LocoRoco
  • Armored Core
  • And (of course) Final Fantasy Crisis Core (with or without the music that's blocked any subsequent release) 

Do tweet with any other ideas, or ones that I've missed. 

Currently playing on my Vita/PS4/PS5