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Vita's final releases forming a queue

In just a month from now, Sony will stop accepting submissions for the PS Vita PSN store. After that we're down to whatever PlayAsia can cram into the last few batches of carts, and then its homebrew (like the hellishly good-looking Purified) and history articles like this one from The Verge

But, it looks like the Vita is going out with a decent bang, as the remaining developers push to get their last efforts out the door. This page will combine the last rush of frenetic activity and those last few reveals. The last day for releases is July 20th, so the clock isn't so much ticking as revving up for the last Big Ben bongs. 

UPDATED: 11th July

Seraphim from Studio Ravenheart, been in development since 2017, still trying to get the shooter finished before the deadline. UPDATE: Due to Sony's borked submissions system, this might not make it out (and frankly I want to punch a Sony exec for this), but is really another damning indictment of PlayStation's approach. 

Suicidal Robot - Hand Cannon 

Develop gutted that it won't make a PSN release. But could still appear on Vita via homebrew, but please buy the PS4 version when that does release eventually.  

Gumbo Machine - Ultra Mission

Our upcoming title, Ultra Mission, features 20 levels of arcade action. #VitaIsland gets first dibs on this new game, as Ultra Mission launches FIRST on #PSVita, in July 2021.

Domaginarium - Killer Dolls United

Killer Dolls United has passed certification. Trailer coming SOON. And now, I can tell you a sixth Doll has joined the battle. Meet Elena

Sometimes You - two TBA releases

Our last game build for PSVita was just sent to Sony QA. Looks like that's it! Hopefully two new digital games will be released on July 20'th from us. #VitaIsland #Vita2021

Spooky Squid - Russian Subway Dogs

Today is all about rewriting Russian Subway Dogs store text to fit into the super tight character limits of the PS Vita store and I'm realizing how much my store copy is improved by having so little space to work with. UPDATE: Now submitted!

Also in various states of chaos/panic:

Unepic also trying to make the PSN deadline for a digital version Unmetal, if you can't get a physical copy

Currently playing on my Vita/PS3/PS4/PS5