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Homebrew - Purified first look on the Vita

Its hard not to smile as Sony and the world furiously tries to bury the Vita, and then gems like this explode into life. Even in this first-glimpse, super-early state, Purified from solo-dev Balder is a highly-polished looking 60fps third-person boss/arena shooter for homebrew Vitas with bags of detail and class.

Update: Some better-quality imagery over here thanks to Balder.  

Draw your own conclusions, but I'm getting a strong Quake vibe, with multiple weapons, cool wings and plenty of smart effects, all underscored by music by Brian Czernikowski - and lots of things to kill. Sure, this will be done when its done and there could be plenty of changes along the way, but great to see such a slick-looking effort made with love for the Vita. Happy to pay cold hard cash for the release! 

Follow Balder for the latest news and keep cheering on him along with the other developers out there doing great stuff into the Vita's second decade. Purified is being built in Unity 2018 with a collection of custom mods. 

Currently playing on my Vita/PS3/PS4/PS5