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Super Zangyura gets ready to mace Vita owners

Another bit of news I missed over Christmas from Japan was this smart looking platformer delayed into 2021. PlatineDispositif's (the people who gave us Gundemoniums) platformer Super Zangyura is a charming-looking pixel explorer, with a French maid dealing justice with a whopping-great mace should be out in a couple of months. 

Gundemoniums got a physical release back in 2017, but given this delay, not sure if Super Zangyura will get one or even a western release. The new game is a hugely improved remake of 2004's Zangyura, hence the Super prefix, some more detail and music on the official site. And yes, that is a giant urinating statue she has to defeat as one boss, who knows what else the game will throw at us. 

Currently playing on my Vita/PS3/PS4/PS5