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Review Reed 2

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Not too long ago in Reed Remastered, the funny little alien cat creature was collecting cubes to reboot a computer to save the day. In Reed 2, we learn that its efforts failed, and we get to do it all over again across new levels. And that's pretty much all that has changed.

Reed jumps and double jumps over obstacles, avoiding certain death at every turn, with lifts, traps, arrows, and a blistering array of stupid user-induced deaths over 50+ levels. Every time he needs to collect the cubes and make it to the exit door, uncovering the odd secret along the way.

With the same attractive visuals, haunting OST, it is all fun - until you get stuck! Then its death by a thousand cuts until you master that particular double-jump-and-stick-the-landing-over-the-saw peril, then a little progress until you hit the next sticking point, and the next, and the next.

Its kind of a shame there's been no innovation that I can detect, no new world to explore or lashings of extra secrets to boost the sense of achievement. While this might be cool in mobile gaming, console gamers expect the "2" to mean something; different enemies, gaming improvements, new scenes, etc.

I'm not sure what Pxlink (Oleg Kosovtsov) is working on next, but I hope it is something that adds variety. Otherwise, Reed 2 is good to look at, fun while it lasts and, oh, I'm dead (again).

Developer PXLink/Ratalaika
Price: £3.99 (PSN)
Score: 6/10
Progress: Bored of dying

Currently playing on my Vita/PS3/PS4/PS5