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Touch game "Wurroom" wriggles to the Vita in April

File under an "experience" more than a game, Wurroom comes to the Vita thanks to Sometimes You, bringing claymation-style drag and obtuse thingy-solving adventure in a world gone very peculiar. Part Monty Python animated skit, part puzzle game; objects wriggle and interact in very strange ways.

Check out some of the "gonzo-organic" music here (I'm copyrighting that term) and there are a few walkthoughs on YouTube you can peek at for an idea of the gameplay. However, Wurroom is only 15-odd minutes long, so you probably don't want to do that. Still, it sounds worth investigating and will only be 99p-ish when it hits PSN on 1st April.

Another fun game for the Vita release list.


Currently playing on my Vita/PS4/PS5