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The PSP's Class of Heroes 3 is late for remaster school

After a trilogy of fun PSP role playing titles from Acquire/Atlus/MonkeyPaw, and some spin offs, all has been quiet in the rec room of the Class of Heroes series for many school years. But PQube is on the case with a Class of Heroes 3 Remaster hitting Switch and PlayStation later this year. 

The game never got a western release on PSP or PS3, but: "After a 15 year wait Class of Heroes 3, the revered school-themed dungeon RPG series, is finally here. Players can enrol in one of three distinct schools and join fellow students on an epic dungeon crawling adventure. Enjoy school life on campus and meet brand new friends from a huge range of characters and classes."

PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch owners can grab a physical release, with a digital PC release. Class of Heroes 3 comes with bigger dungeons, a range of school friends to add to the party, and many monsters to mash with their range of skills. Plus all the refinements over the originals, but now in glorious HD. 

Predecessor Class of Heroes 2 was as close as many gamers got to this series, so it should generate some interest, especially as it was badged as a JRPG for the non-hardcore fan base back in the day. 

No specific release date yet, but I'm guessing the project is fairly far along. 

Currently playing on my Vita/PS4/PS5