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Trails in the Sky 1st Chapter brightens up 2025's release list

Coming to PlayStation and Switch next year, Falcom has gone full-3D remake on one of the PSP's meatiest JRPGs. What was originally called, rather wordily, The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 1st, is back as Trails in the Sky 1st Chapter. 

Gung-Ho is on publishing duty for the western release, due in Autumn 2025, with a crew of quaintly-named heroes led by Estelle and Joshua, aka The Bracer's Guild, stomping around the troubled Kingdom of Liberl. The 3D update offers new localizations, improved visuals, and updated gameplay mechanics based around the classic turn-based battle system.

The one thing I remember about the PlayStation Portable original (published in the UK by Ghostlight) is massive amounts of dialogue that dragged on and on in the early part of the game. Hopefully that's been tightened up, or there's a speed up button to get things moving along. 

I guess the trailer is more perky characters than pushing polygons and fx, but it all looks pretty sharp. More info on the official website, with expectations of a drip feed of details on the run up to launch across next year. And in the years to come we should get the rest of the series up to what was the Vita exclusive 3rd Evolution, following on with updates to one of my favourite series Trails of Cold Steel

Currently playing on my Vita/PS4/PS5