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PSP2, Switch 2 and Xbox... a brighter portable future? (Updated)

Sky Oceans Wings for Hire trailer swoops in

A collective sigh of nostalgia was heard around the world this week as Skies of Arcadia fans saw PQube's latest JPRG effort revealed. Name-checking Overworks/Sega's near-legendary Dreamcast game in the first line of the PR blurb, shows just how much they want Sky Oceans to be associated with the classic.

Developed by Octeto Studios down in Santiago, Chile, "Sky Oceans: Wings For Hire pays homage to JRPG classics like Skies of Arcadia. Set in the open skies, experience adrenaline-filled turn-based dogfights as you take the role of captain and unite a party of rag-tag sky pirates setting upon an unforgettable, touching journey."

Sky Oceans

The main question, is will they capture the charm of the original, or is this a cookie-cutter rehash with no soul of its own? And with Skies of Arcadia's 25th anniversary up soon, what are the chances of the original getting a remaster to steal the thunder of this perky upstart? 

The roster of characters looks pretty generic, but if the action is intuitive and the exploring fun, then there could be a world of joy to explore across the endless blue in Sky Oceans, coming soon across all formats. 

Sky Oceans

If you can't wait, join me in wondering if Skies of Arcadia works through Flycast on the Vita

Currently playing on my Vita/PS4/PS5