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Silver Falls bringing Halloween homebrew to Vita

Solo developer SunGrand, is behind the Silver Falls indie horror games for Nintendo consoles including Gaiden Deathly Delusion Destroyers. But the Vita recently won his Halloween poll as the destination of choice for a scare-themed homebrew release, "Survive!" 

Silver Falls Survive Vita homebrew

Update: Out now - download the VPK file from the Silver Falls site

If we help 

All we have is a map of the #VitaIsland below so far, but the original games mix survival, crafting and fun in various amounts. And the homebrew community is rallying around with dev tips for smooth performance, which is great to see.

Update: A new video shows how fast Survive is coming along with a vastly improved frame rate compared to just a week ago. Check the Twitter feed for regular updates and support the

Shouldn't be too long to wait until we see something more concrete, but do chip in with SunGrand's Etsy store or their upcoming Duck Season Switch game to make them feel appreciated. 

Currently playing on my Vita/PS3/PS4/PS5