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Vita gets its likely last-ever firmware update

Sony is bringing down the security shutters around the Vita in a later-day firmware update, bringing us to the vaunted 3.74 edition! That's the first update in over two years. Would it have been too hard to top out at 3.75, or hell - why not go all the way up to 4, or 11? 

Anyway, this and a matching PS3 firmware update (4.89) remove the ability to create and manage PSN accounts on these devices, meaning you'll need to do it on your PS4/PS5 or via a PC web browser. It also says "Signing into PSN now requires a device setup password for enhanced account protection." Not sure what will mean in practice, as long as we can still download games to the Vita. 

Another pain in the butt is the removal of the feature to copy games from the PS3 to the Vita, essential for some classics that never made it to the Vita store, but were found on the venerable PS3. Otherwise there's no amazing last-minute addition to improve YouTube, Twitter or anything else that might help actual users. And the Vita's native resolution doesn't get a set of filters or other tweak that might require any effort.

No biggie in the modern climate. It also looks there are no anti-homebrew changes, which will be a relief to those enjoying the Vita's booming homebrew, Android port and freeware scene. Presumably this will be the last update, unless something major puts the PSN ecosystem at risk, which seems very unlikely. 

If you try to buy a new game, then you are shown this QR code link and can log in via your smartphone and add funds for it there. The UK PlayStation page still lists 3.73 as the latest, but it is unlikely there's a rush on. 

All this frenetic Vita activity comes as Sony announces fair profits while struggling to manufacture enough PS5 consoles to keep up with demand. 

Currently playing on my Vita/PS3/PS4/PS5