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You can still buy PSP games on the Vita

Thanks to Sony's pathetic efforts at customer communications, most PSP and Vita owners have been through various stages of despair, panic and relief in recent months. As the PlayStation brand axes its legacy services, then changes its mind, then does kind-of-the-right-thing, but not properly, it has been quite the roller coaster. 

Anyway, in one of the rare peaks of good news, Sony has finally confirmed that we can still buy PSP games on the Vita store (as long as that keeps running). Sony retired the PSP in 2014, but the company has slowly come to the conclusion that digital stores have value, especially to us customers. As shown on the UK PlayStation Services update page

There are still plenty of awesome PSP games, like Ridge Racer that haven't been bettered. But many of them aren't on PSN, so I guess the prices for the likes of OutRun Coast to Coast, Ace Combat and many more will shoot up, as will PSP consoles. 

I love picking up the odd PSP game so its good to know they'll still be around. And for those that have vanished from the store, guess there's some hope in the vanishingly small second-hand market. Anyway, Sony says...

What does this mean for you?

When the PlayStation®Store for PlayStation®Portable (PSP) was previously closed in 2016, you were still able to perform searches and make in-game purchases. Starting 6th July, 2021, you'll no longer be able to perform searches or make in-game purchases.

What about PSP content that you already own?

You'll still be able to download your previously purchased PSP content. You can download your previously purchased PSP content onto your PSP by accessing the Download List on the device.

What about PSP content that is available for purchase on the PS3 and PS Vita stores?

You'll still be able to purchase and play PSP content that is available on the PS3 and PS Vita stores. However, you'll no longer be able to make purchases via the in-game store for PSP content.  

Currently playing on my Vita/PS3/PS4/PS5