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Review: Dull Grey

Looking out over the landscape of Dull Grey, I'm reminded of a little airport in Greenland where bright red planes nip in and out, delivering people and goods across that massive country over the bleak mountains and wintry scenes. But here, there appears to be no little red Santa for respite or a dash of hope. And that's certainly true in the first couple of play-throughs of this short visual novel, a follow up to Railways of Love (not on Vita). 

As a mother and son, there's a decision to be made, the dreaded career options. Under the watchful eye of a Soviet-techno-style Progress Program, they must pick from lamplighter (well thought of, but often fatal) or tallyman (dull as dishwater used to wash the same socks for years on end). The Soviet equivalent of fast-food operative or Amazon warehouse runner? 

Is it even possible to try and make things better for the young lad? The only hint I'll give is that patience has its reward. And I won't spoil the plot, what there is of it, with brief hints of romance, peril and rebellion that make this more than just a very repetitive tale. 

That dash of Santa colour does shine through in some of the endings, but the key benefit of playing Dull Grey is what goes on in my mind across the remote possibilities of hope. Hopefully you'll feel that way too. 

Stylish, minimalist, and thankfully with decently translated text, this won't be for everyone, but there is some reward in playing and thinking about a world like this, especially if you're young enough to not be too far down a career set in stone. 

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Developer/Publisher Provodnik Games/Sometimes You 

Price: £3.99 (PSN)

Size: 111MB

Score: 6/10

Progress: Platinum career choices

Currently playing on my Vita/PS3/PS4/PS5