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Homebrew - Circuit Dude by Jonathan Holmes hits the Vita

 A game you have to buy on Switch, iOS and other platforms has come to the Vita for free thanks to indie developer Jonathan Holmes. Circuit Dude is a charming robotic challenge packed with switches, traps and puzzles over 100-levels. 

The gameplay is fun and simple: Help Circuit Dude build an awesome invention by leading him through the first 100 levels, completing circuits and plugging in microchips. After all chips are inserted into their sockets, the exit will activate and you can advance to the next puzzle! What kind of secret invention is Circuit Dude building? Complete those levels to find out!

Those with jailbroken Vitas can download the vpk file here, or it is available through VitaDB, EasyVPK, or VHBB! Circuit Dude originally landed on the Arduboy in 2016 and has landed on everything up to the Palm Pilot since, and now graces the Vita, thanks JH! In fact, seems rather unfair to call this homebrew, but its a tag he used. 

Any publishers want to get this officially on PSN for those running official firmware? 

Currently playing on my Vita/PS3/PS4/PS5