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The morning after thoughts on the PlayStation Cat-5

So, Sony showed off a new thing and it hit pretty much the right notes (except for my son, who demanded to see at least one future-spec FPS). PlayStation 5 is coming and if you stick a fluffy power lead out the back it could be a cat! And there are games about cats, and games with incidental cats... I sense a theme, as did much of the rest of the internet. 

Also, no PS5 Remote Player, but there might be time for that if Sony has hardware issues or all these big, complex games get delayed, running the brand into a profitable but weak niche. 

While Spider-Man Miles Morales and Horizon Forbidden West will clearly be big things, Stray was the furry star of the show for me (alongside Ratchet's fluffy ears) just as a game concept - thought it was going to be a Gravity Rush spin-off at first.

Will I buy one? Yes, maybe at launch too - largely because I can afford too rather than some fan-boy desire. I was so behind the curve on PS3 and PS4 generations that it'll be fun to run with the herd for once.

That does mean I need to get a move on and finish the first Spider-Man and Horizon titles, which is my main problem. Never enough time, and if these next-gen games are set in bigger cities or wilderness, I won't finish them either, especially with demands on my time and screen time from the family.

Which is where my call for a PS5 Remote Player echoes down the wishing well again. I've finished so many more PSP and PS Vita games because I could pick them up anywhere, any time. And it has helped me play more PS4 titles too, is that such a tough concept for Sony to understand?

The PS5RP can be little more than a high-speed network dumb terminal with a 4K screen, I'd be happy with that. But it'd be cool if it supported Vita, PSP and PSone games as part of the package and to continue Sony's handheld legacy.

Still, I'm down with the Sony Cat future, with a Ultra HD Blu-ray disc thank you very much, and the acknowledgment that smaller developers play a key role in the system's future as we wait years for the larger titles.

Currently playing on my Vita/PS4/PS5