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Wonderful 101 remaster blasts pasts funding goals

One minute the Kickstarter for a Wonderful 101 update of the Platinum Games' 2015 Wii U original is announced. The next, it is already well past the original goals and powering toward £1,000,000 territory with 16,000 backers on day one.

I wasn't familiar with the original but it looks to have caught a huge draft of momentum, so we'll have to take a look. Wonderful 101 sees a global team of heroes kicking off against giant robots and monsters threatening the planet. Here's a review of the original and it'll be interesting to how the touchscreen-team moves pan out on the Switch's screen, one of the Wii U's weaker points.

Get involved by backing the game to add new modes and features. Platinum has plans for an April delivery, so not the endless years of waiting that many other Kickstarters have suffered.

Currently playing on my Vita/PS4/PS5