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Evercade handheld launching soon, picks up 17 Lynx games

UPDATE: Like the Evercade idea so much, I popped up a portal site for all the news and info.

If you love your handheld retro fun, Evercade is looking like the portable to go to, with a new cart release packing in 17 Atari Lynx games on the way. The £60-£80 unit lands in April (update, moved to May likely due to Coronavirus, may move further). It brings all sorts of classic fun to a new generation of gamers and connects to TVs via HDMI, just like the Vita should have done.

The Lynx games include Scrapyard Dog, Basketbrawl, Super Asteroids/Missile Command®, Awesome Golf, Crystal Mines II: Buried Treasure, Dracula the Undead, Malibu Bikini Volleyball and some later indie releases. But no RoadBlasters, which was probably Atari's finest game on the Lynx.

Other cards will include collections from DataEast, Namco, Technos and many more, and at a decent price compared to some of the arcade collections available on PS1, PSP and Vita, it looks like a solid investment. 

Currently playing on my Vita/PS3/PS4/PS5