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Bubble Bobble 4 Friends exclusive to Switch

Taito's Bubble Bobble and Rainbow Islands remain among my favourite games from any generation, with perfectly formed arcade gameplay and characters of immense cuteness. With HD graphics and bags of effects, plus plenty of nods to the 8-bit era, there's still the classic gameplay, but with up to four-player local mode thanks to ININ, a little more on their page, here.

The game lands in November, hopefully without messing up those perfect scoring mechanics and the rush to escape the levels. If you can't wait, the NeoGeo version of the original Bubble Bobble is already on the eStore.

Also, it had better not anything like the monstrous screw up, Bubble Bobble Evolution from Opus on the PSP! Also, begs the question why the Taito Legends collections from the PS2 era haven't been updated for new consoles.

Currently playing on my Vita/PS3/PS4/PS5