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PSP2, Switch 2 and an Xbox handheld... a brighter portable future?

Attack on Titan 2 swinging and bloody on the Switch

The gap between Attack on Titan (Wings of Freedom) on the Vita and consoles made it one of the first games that showed the Sony portable was running out of gas. So much so, Koei isn't bringing that version west. On the Switch though, the sequel looks pretty smooth on the Nintendo hybrid.

A new video shows A.O.T 2 running on Switch and the Titans have plenty of detail and sheen on their skin. The ground textures look a little light and muddy compared to the PS4 version, but otherwise, everything is pretty much in place, with plenty of blood too, showing Nintendo's change of pace when it comes to 18-rated games.

Update: The original video has vanished, replaced with another version.

Currently playing on my Vita/PS4/PS5